Studying the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games
Today's article is based on Studying the Effects of Playing Violent Video Games, this article they are relating it to the massacre that had happened in opened fire at Columbine High School, at the movie theater in Aurora, CO. They believe that violent video games was the problem because why this happened and they said that the theater one was planned to be like a video game.In the article it also says that scientist have been studying the effects of the media violence behavior since the 1950's and nothing has been found but video games in particular because from experience since I play video games but not as much because they got boring they have been getting more and more bloodier through out the years. The games that I play which are only for ages 17+ I see little kids playing these games online because when I'm playing you can hear them, and that's the problem why there's been killings from young kids killing other people because it's the parents fault for buying them games that are too violent for the kid and when their kids they have imaginations and they think different and maybe one day they might find a real gun and they may not know that it's real and start shooting at people.
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